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Making the Right Patient Destination Decision…thinking ahead
So you’ve gotten the 911 call right? You’ve taken care of the patient on scene, done all those fancy skills that you learned in the schoolhouse, and now for the next step…. where do we go? Well, we have so many choices to choose from. In scenario 1, we have…
Radiation, 5G and Covid-19 (Reblog)
((This is a reblog from an older post; my original blog was deleted by the host)) I’ve been seeing a lot of disinformation regarding COVID19 and 5G radio/cell towers in the last few days. I feel compelled to write a brief synopsis of the two in as layman’s terms as…
The Underserved community within our community.
When we think about Emergency Medical Services we think about lights flashing, sirens blaring, rushing to the scene and making the difference, right? I mean it’s at least in more of the dreams of the young and new EMT and Medics to “make that big difference” in the beginning. But…